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Parish News

Forthcoming Events and News Round-up


Return to Church

April 2021

Keeping you safe in Church
· You will need to book before you attend as we can only accommodate a much reduced number in Church.  The booking process is detailed overleaf.
·The Church will not be opened until 10.50 am. so please do not come early.
· Social distancing of 2 metres must be maintained at all times both inside the Church and while entering and leaving the building and in the car park.
· Please use the hand sanitizer provided at the Church door.
·Face coverings should be worn at all times within the Church.
· On arrival you will wait to be shown to a seat.  Seats will be allocated by the wardens.
·Once seated, please do not move around the Church.
·At the end of the service wardens will indicate when you should leave your seat.
·                A basket will be provided at the back of the Church for offerings.
·                On leaving please do not linger at the Church door but proceed to the car park.


Work to Bells

August 2019


It was recently noticed that one of the bells was not striking correctly, it was previously noticed during the roofing work that there was some corrosion around some of the pullies at the bells.

Considering this work off is a specialist nature (height and work required) it was necessary to commission a steeplejack company to inspect the Bell cote and bells. Rainey Steeplejacks were contacted and with the assistance of Brian Rainey carried out a visual inspection which revealed that while all the main steelwork and stonework was structurally sound there was severe corrosion to two six pulleys and fraying to the operating cable, some corrosion was also noted to the striker on the top bell. While a little worrying there was nothing major considering that the last major work was carried out in 1958 when the bells were recast.

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